Lately the hot topic in the Wow blog world seems to be whether or not you should - or even can - have anonymity about your blog, whether it is something you can not exactly hide but not announce either and keep it to a few friends, or whether you need to throw a party and come completely out of the blogging closet. Cranky Healer has a great post with links to the vast majority of the posts that I read about this Tamarind at Righteous Orbs made me sad as I’ve been following him for some time Oh, and I am so creating a toon for this idea!
I haven’t written much recently because I know at least a few guildies read my posts once in a while. Other than the one time I accidentally pasted the blog link into /gchat instead of /tell (which luckily no one was paying attention to as I’m sure they thought it was one more piece of boss homework I wanted them to do before raid) I haven’t officially announced to my guild that this blog exists. Some read it, most don’t - it’s hard enough to get them to read strategies and I still get the /chat equivalent of a blank stare when I mention the forums to a few of them.
The reason I mention this is every time I’ve started a post this last few days it has been deleted before I publish something that will most certainly come back to bite me in the ass. I started blogging as a way to vent and get out some of the GM/RL angst that was smothering me and to try to be somewhat humorous about it at the same time. What started an attempt to retain some semblance of sanity has grown a wee bit and *gasp* I have no freaking clue who is reading it anymore. (And if you tell me in whispers next time I log on that you aren’t reading it I will know you read it so don’t lie to me. Yes, Moo. I know you do.)
One thing I can say that I don’t say anything here that I either haven’t said or wouldn’t say directly to the person. (Although I might try to tone down the sarcasm just a tad. Might try. Might.) The trouble is what is eating at me lately are topics that are sensitive and could in no way be couched in language to hide certain people’s identity. Let’s face it, for example, if you want to rant about your officers and only have four and a half or so it makes it fairly obvious who you are talking about.
Soooo…until I either resolve the issues, get over them, get steamrolled by new ones, or finally just give in and post the rants I will sit here and stew in silence about them. Someone remind me not to post when drinking anytime soon.
Hello world!
3 years ago
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