Thoughts, ideas, bitching and bragging about World of Warcraft, raid and guild leading, and whatever else comes to mind...filled with the things Lark wants to say to her guild but probably shouldn't.
At least not to all of them. Not yet anyways....

Thursday, August 26, 2010


Dear Guildies,

If you wish your GM to retain at least some semblance of sanity please do not do any of the following:

Be absent when you accept on the calendar (if you’re going to take a nap, set the damn alarm!).

Delete the calendar invite (do you think I don’t notice?).

Regem after a ready check has been issued.

Forget how to kill the Lich King. ‘Nough said.

Feel that you MUST respond to everything that is said no matter what…seriously, I don’t need to hear your bigger-badder-better story or witty (at least in your mind) comment.

Tell me you need 15 minutes and then never come back on.

When I ask why you died don’t tell me the long, drawn out story about your life beginning with kindergarten…I don’t care and all I’m looking for is a 3-4 word sentence.

If you die on a fight you do not need to talk unless you have something vital to the raid to say.

Feel that you and you alone do not need to participate in loot council discussions despite the fact that it is the biggest thing you do as an officer.

Insist I get in vent and then tell me you have nothing to talk about.

Click yes on the ready check and then scream, “no wait!” as I start the countdown.

Let your artificially inflated ego interfere with reality and the raid. You may not completely suck but you’re not as good as you think you are.

Think you can use the gbank as your personal stash of goodies. Yes, you are ranked an alt now for a reason. Good luck getting back your rank.

Put your children in a wood chipper while push to talk is pressed. It hurts my ears.

Much love,


Friday, August 20, 2010

Stupid Awards of the Week ***Special Pally Edition!***

The Who, Me? Selfish and Clueless? Award of the Week goes to…


The ret pally who decided to bail on the guild’s ICC run to buy a run from the individual who tried to destroy our guild and whose lies and BS in trade, says, and the forums we are still trying to clean up on the server. Really?!!? And you don’t think this will upset all the people he slandered? How dumb are you? Never mind…don’t answer that…we already know.

The Really I Like Paying My Own Repair Bills Award of the Week goes to…


The officer ret pally who moved me to the AFK channel in vent repeatedly during boss explanations; he now has no vent admin privileges. He then demoted all my alts; he got demoted to a special rank. Next he filled the bank with 172 blacksmith hammers; his special rank can no longer see the bank tabs. The rank Special Snowflake wasn’t quite right for all that…it’s now FUTimmeh.

The Prot Heals FTW Award of the Week goes to…


The pally tank, who shall remain nameless, (*cough*) who went heals for Saurfang and didn’t realize until the event was started that while she changed her gear, flask and food she didn’t actually change her spec.

The Growth Spurt Made Me Do It Award of the Week goes to…


The ret pally who was supposed to raid lead last Friday’s 2nd 25 ICC and decided to stop playing WoW on Thursday night. He spends a lot of time in game for someone who quit…we’re pretty sure there’s a girl involved. Damn hormonal teens.

The No, Really, I’m Legit Award of the Week goes to…


The pally/hunter who applied to the guild with great enthusiasm talking about how much he wanted to be here and how bad his current guild is. Silly pally didn’t think that I would hear from guildies he only wanted to join to get the Kingslayer title and then planned on leaving. Seriously, do people think no one tells me anything?

Monday, August 16, 2010

WTB a Guild Secretary

So I’m back to balancing work and WoW, have been for a few weeks now, and while the paycheck is both welcome and necessary I’m definitely feeling the impact of less time with my guild.

Here’s my question: Do other GMs and raid leaders out there find that when they are not around things just don’t get done?

The second 25 man group hasn’t run in two weeks because I worked on both Fridays. There were people all set to run it and others to help make it happen. Didn’t happen. Some of it may have been people on vacation, I know another officer recently started a new job also, we may have saved too many to our main 25 but still…. With the number of geared 80 alts in this guild I find it hard to believe we couldn’t have managed it all. Is my proactive nagging really that necessary?

The bank is also a mess. Access is limited but others could certainly move things around or remove one or two of the 74 blacksmithing hammers one delightful raider decided to put in there. I’m also not seeing the gold that should be deposited for flasks and whatnot - partly because the log is eaten so fast due to grepairs - and I’d like to think someone is keeping an eye on it other than me but….

And then there’re the daily little soap operas. I’m pretty sure I don’t know the half of what’s going on right now and that there’s no one keeping up on them so they can tell me before chaos breaks out.

Don’t get me started on the applications that are pending. Just don’t ask. Really. Don’t.

Is it just me? Does anyone have a solution? Can I hire a secretary?

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Raid Bitch Ramblings

The Raid Bitch is tired and just wants to make everyone tea and cake and watch them all get long. Don’t get me wrong, if you piss me off I can have a temper. I get annoyed and frustrated and snap at people when shit goes wrong. The Raid Bitch is not particularly warm and fuzzy when the Stupid Debuff is on the raid. I have very little patience for stupid questions or pointless whining and that is why there is a Special Snowflake rank. Trolls in trade…don’t get me started….

But I hate being the bad guy sometimes…particularly the one who has to decide, and more apropos to this the one who has to communicate, who sits and who is in when there are 30 good options for a 25 man raid. Not to mention the other 10 sitting there that aren’t the best of options. This is one of the things I do regularly that is both the best and worst of situations to be in. Best because it’s great that we have three extremely capable, reliable trees; worst that we only need two in raid and someone needs to sit. Or when we have 12 melee and need to bring in ranged. Or when we have 4 fury warriors and, well, that’s just silly. I do think that most understand that raid make-up trumps all else. It’s still no fun to sit though - particularly when it’s on a boss you really want a drop off of. Very few of them complain about being subbed out and I appreciate that. What’s worse than complaining though is when they take it to heart as a sign they are failing. And worse than that is sometimes I have to explain that while they aren’t exactly failing there are performance issues that need to be addressed and they may be at the bottom of the damage meters in a group of heavy hitters. Can we just have cake now?

On a lighter note, here’re a few things you can do to entertain yourself in raid!

Fun with Fury! Bribe your hunter to misdirect the biggest mobs in the trash to the fury warrior. See how many times you can make him die before he refuses to accept the rez until all the trash is cleared. Once you kill the boss and move onto the next trash set your paladins up with a bubble rotation so he finishes every charge unable to do damage. Mix the misdirects with the bubbles for the rest of the night.

Reset Recount right before the trash that leads to Blood Queen when boomkins are Starfalling their fluffy little hearts out and then use those numbers for the bite order. It makes the boomkins feel good to think they can come out on top. Sad locks and mages being mocked by chickens.

Clear the Plague wing trash then decide you don’t have the right raid make-up for Putricide hardmode and tell everyone to go to Ruby Sanctum. Then go back to ICC and kill Sindragosa. Racking up those frequent flier miles FTW.