Thoughts, ideas, bitching and bragging about World of Warcraft, raid and guild leading, and whatever else comes to mind...filled with the things Lark wants to say to her guild but probably shouldn't.
At least not to all of them. Not yet anyways....

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The End of an Era

Well, we finally called an end to progression raiding today. Attendance was getting worse and focus even flakier. I'm mostly feeling like the elephant that has been sitting on my head has moved. And a little bit nostalgic. But anyways, this is what was posted tonight on our guild forum. Bring on the change!

Dear Heroic,

With an official release date of December 7 it is time to get organized for Cataclysm!

It’s been a great time in Wrath and I’m really proud of what we’ve done. We went from nothing on the server to number one and you should all be proud of that. We will be taking the best of what we learned and improving on it in Cataclysm and I can’t wait to see what we can do!

Some folks left to pursue other options and we were fully aware that our partnership with the Aberration raiders was for Wrath content. We wish them all the best and they left on good terms and we will not tolerate bashing of them in trade chat or the forums.

Some more of you I know are leaving to pursue other opportunities, some of you I have spoken with and know you are staying, and there are a whole lot of you that I would like to know about as soon as possible.

If you are unsure of your position in Heroic as we transition please don’t hesitate to talk to me. Not everyone who was here for Wrath will be here for Cataclysm. It’s very important that we have a team that is committed to raiding and to the guild and its members. We most definitely wanting the best fit as well as the best raiders. The expectation for our members will be rapid leveling of your main character and the toon’s professions so we can dive right into the new raid content. It is imperative that you do thorough research on your new abilities and whatnot so you are an expert on your toon as quickly as possible.

Here’s what you need to know from us:

• We will be reducing the size of the guild to better focus on 2 initial 10 man raiding teams. That means a guild of about 25-30 raiders with a very, very small amount of non-raiding friends. This will allow us to have flexibility with raid schedules and find the best combinations of classes, specs and personalities. This will also allow us to join the teams together to complete 25 man content if and when we choose to. The main focus will be on 10s at first unquestionably.

• We will be raiding ICC on a more casual basis up until Cata hits but raids will be on the calendar if I am running them and may not always be Tues/Wed…feel free to start your own - yes, I know you want your mounts! When patch 4.0.1 drops we will be limited to either 10 OR 25 per week and it will become nearly impossible to raid that content as a guild. We will make every attempt to finish Ulduar 25 for those mounts and to get into ToGC at least once if that is what you all want to do. Please remember, even if you don’t care about the mounts or achievements your guildies do and they need your help.

• For Cata, we are prepared to help level professions and get every raider geared as quickly as possible. The guild has gold and will spend it to help make that happen! On that note, the bank access has been reduced and guild repairs will be open only for limited times until we sort out exactly what we are doing and implement it.

What we need to know from you:

• Are you interested in staying in Heroic?

• If you are interested in staying are you changing mains or main specs?

• Is there anything you want to see done differently in the guild when we move into the new content?

• Is there anything left in Wrath that is going away that you would like to accomplish that you need assistance with? (No, I will not buy you a chopper.)

We are excited about the new content and look forward to raiding with many of you in December! For those that leave us we wish you the best.



1 comment:

  1. Aw, I'm sad you guys had to call it but I hear you. We also finally stopped raiding a few weeks ago due to the usual lack of interest. As soon as an expansion is talked about, the flakes and fakes stop working on it, quit and wander off to return. We ended up fighting valiantly against this, but our numbered dwindled from PUG-possible 20 down to 15, and then 10. Now we just work on our 10 man ICC groups and wait for Cata.

    We're also going to be looking at what you're doing. Downsizing from 25 man raiding into 10 mans, since (in my experience) these are a little easier to manage. We're holding off on a post like yours simply due to the possibility of transferring to a US server, which is more appropriate to our time slot. I love our current one, but we just don't have enough to choose from on an Oceanic one. :(

    Either way, you've reminded me of what we're also looking forward to, and I do wish you and the guild the best when it comes to Cata. Maybe soon I'll be writing about the same in mine! :D
