Thoughts, ideas, bitching and bragging about World of Warcraft, raid and guild leading, and whatever else comes to mind...filled with the things Lark wants to say to her guild but probably shouldn't.
At least not to all of them. Not yet anyways....

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Revenge is Mine

For the first few years I never really PVPed much on Lark unless I had to for some specific trinket, mount or to regain a loot piñata boss. Being a prot pally in a BG means it takes a lot to kill me but OMG it takes a long time to kill them too. (Makes me a great flag carrier though!) PVP was a means to an end and something to do because I had to. I didn’t understand what all the fuss was about until I started doing PVP on several of my alts…then I was hooked.

I always hated playing melee classes and having to run around chasing whatever I wanted to kill. (Probably another reason Lark goes holy in BGs now.) My casters are fun to PVP with but what I really love is healing in BGs. 3 priests (YES! I DO need 3 priests dammit!), a shaman, 2 driuds and a different pally (because one pally is just not enough) who has never been anything but holy for more than 5 minutes all healed their way through countless hours of PVP and many levels of experience. I feel content whenever I get an alt to level 10 and head to the AH to buy whatever I can to prolong their doomed little lives and queue them up for the first time.

But then, one day, on my resto druid I got pissed. Really pissed. I was singled out as a healer within a minute of every BG I was in that day and spent most of my time waiting to rez. Over and over and over my little Rockett tried to live through 5, 6, 7 players beating her face. And the worst were the rogues. The rogues have always been the worst…always….

So I started a rogue.

For revenge.

With no intention of questing or doing anything other than being AS ANNOYING AS HUMANLY FUCKING POSSIBLE IN BGS!

She’s now a level 44 worgen so she has the racial sprint as well as the rogue sprint and is geared to the teeth in PVP gear, dungeon drops (I <3 my guildes for run-throughs!), and BOA gear. I giggle maniacally every time I kill a healer…or just repeated sap them for fun. Every heal I interrupt makes me giddy. Every BG we win because the healers can’t heal gives me a warm feeling in my cold little rogue heart.

I love my rogue. Revenge is mine.

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