Thoughts, ideas, bitching and bragging about World of Warcraft, raid and guild leading, and whatever else comes to mind...filled with the things Lark wants to say to her guild but probably shouldn't.
At least not to all of them. Not yet anyways....

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Stupid Awards of the Week

The Huntards Tranq? Award of the Week goes to…


Our dear little huntard, who after a few wipes due to the off tank dying on heroic Lich King to shambling horrors, hears me say, “He should have been able to take one of the hits if the other was tranqued and (our hunter) was doing that right…?”
And she responds with silence. Very long silence.

The Oh, The Ready Check was for Real? Award of the Week goes to…


Same huntard, same fight, same phase. Ready check green, tank says, “Board’s green, starting it.”, raiders started calling positions and events and I hear….

“(The hunter) is AFK.”

In a Shadow Trap of course.

Then we hear in vent, “Oh, we were ready? I tabbed out…I thought someone was going /afk.”

You. Hit. Yes. To. The. Ready Check! /facepalm

The WTS Man Candy for Raid Spot Award of the Week goes to…


The mage who included a picture of himself (is it really? Lol) clad only in a towel with his application to the guild. We usually just ask for WWS or raid history… I wonder what he would post for epics….

1 comment:

  1. I'll make you a deal. I WON'T post pics for epics! Just kidding, ready for Cata yet?

    -Someone who wishes to remain anonymous so you don't know it's Shiftkey.
