Dear Applicant,
While we appreciate your interest in Heroic please understand we are at the end of Wrath and we’re planning for Cataclysm so unless you blow us away there is no point in adding you to a roster we are planning on trimming. You might want to consider that when thinking about doing any of the following:
Repeatedly whispering the GM or any of the class officers while they are in a raid…especially once they have told you they will talk to you later. Raid > you.
When told an online application is the first step in the process responding with, “do i have 2? : (“. Yes, yes indeed you do have to…and from you we will expect particularly detailed answers.
We really created the application with you in mind so you could pick and choose which questions to answer. Please don’t feel you need to give us an accurate, thorough answer to any of them if you don’t feel like it. Just go ahead and put “Cuz (insert class/spec) r leet” anywhere you choose to skip. /sarcasm
This is bad. “Why did you choose the main spec/off spec you have?”
“paladin ret/holy i chose cause i noticed holy gear dropped all the time and i chose ret cause i wanted to be dps”
Worse: “paladin, retribution, 5964(may be higher by now) gearscore
cause pallys are overpowered:P”
You were on board when told that everyone who applies starts in the Friday ICC 25 and that we are absolutely, positively, under no circumstances recruiting you into the main T-Th group. You stated this would be “perfect” and you just want to raid sometimes. You expressed immense love for the Friday idea…until we asked you to pick a Friday for a trial run and you said, “Well, I’m free on Tuesday or Wednesday but I can’t raid Fridays.” Huh?
You attend the trial run on Friday and proceed to talk over the raid leader explaining how you would do the fights and what you saw in videos when you looked them up. Sadly, your failure to ever down the boss we are discussing makes you less than credible. Mmm hmm…go on….
You don’t realize that:
Attending the trial run and being AFK for every ready check is bad.
Attending the trial run and insulting the other players is bad.
Attending the trial run having absolutely no idea what the bosses do is bad.
Good luck!
Hello world!
3 years ago
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