Dear Guildies,
If you wish your GM to retain at least some semblance of sanity please do not do any of the following:
Be absent when you accept on the calendar (if you’re going to take a nap, set the damn alarm!).
Delete the calendar invite (do you think I don’t notice?).
Regem after a ready check has been issued.
Forget how to kill the Lich King. ‘Nough said.
Feel that you MUST respond to everything that is said no matter what…seriously, I don’t need to hear your bigger-badder-better story or witty (at least in your mind) comment.
Tell me you need 15 minutes and then never come back on.
When I ask why you died don’t tell me the long, drawn out story about your life beginning with kindergarten…I don’t care and all I’m looking for is a 3-4 word sentence.
If you die on a fight you do not need to talk unless you have something vital to the raid to say.
Feel that you and you alone do not need to participate in loot council discussions despite the fact that it is the biggest thing you do as an officer.
Insist I get in vent and then tell me you have nothing to talk about.
Click yes on the ready check and then scream, “no wait!” as I start the countdown.
Let your artificially inflated ego interfere with reality and the raid. You may not completely suck but you’re not as good as you think you are.
Think you can use the gbank as your personal stash of goodies. Yes, you are ranked an alt now for a reason. Good luck getting back your rank.
Put your children in a wood chipper while push to talk is pressed. It hurts my ears.
Much love,
Hello world!
3 years ago