Thoughts, ideas, bitching and bragging about World of Warcraft, raid and guild leading, and whatever else comes to mind...filled with the things Lark wants to say to her guild but probably shouldn't.
At least not to all of them. Not yet anyways....

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Stupid Awards of the Week ***Epic-holy-crap-I-haven't-done-them-in-Cata Edition***

(Names have been badly smudged to protect the guilty)

The Paranoid Huntard Award of the Week goes to….


The hunter who wouldn’t go near Al’akir’s platform until she was completely buffed and ready to go for fear she would accidentally pull him. Needless to say we spent every night we were on him making her more paranoid by dropping Jeeves, guild banks and cauldrons near the boss!

The But It’s Not A Green Award of the Week goes to….


The same hunter who did many attempts (key word: attempts) on the now-PVP-boss-loot-piñata when we were all fresh 85s while in PVP gear. It took a while. We also found out what she wears to raid in. (Start noticing a theme here...)

The Where’s Jeeves? Award of the Week goes to….

The resto druid with broken gear who was obsessing over healing meters….

The Wait, Wasn’t I on a Taxi? Award of the Week goes to….


The guild master, who shall remain nameless, who decided to multi-task while on route to Throne of Winds. 4 words: Dead. Feralas. Rez sickness. /facepalm

The Naked Raider Award of the Week goes to….


The kitty who died (and led to a wipe on Al’akir by dying early on)…who then informed us that although he hit “yes” on the ready check he had just run naked out of the shower. He plays Dance, Dance Revolution as well as WoW…. Go ahead. Picture it. Just go ahead.

The Huntards Have Competition Award of the Week goes to….

The Locktard after a wipe who was also obsessing over meters…

The OMG His Hit Box is HUGE! Award of the Week goes to….


So very many people who hit Magmaw instead of the trash in front of him so very many times.

The I WANT TO LIVE Award of the Week goes to….


The resto druid who told the tanks that if they wanted to live they would call out tank swaps on Cho’gall…despite the DBM warning and GIANT FREAKING LASER BEAMS from his eyes at Fury. For the rest of the raid each tank called out “I want to live!” every time they taunted.

The WTF Happened to My Threat? Award of the Week goes to….


The DK tank who couldn’t get aggro on Cho’gall. We wiped. Come to find out he had a chat bar open. So much for keybinds.


  1. A better method of hiding names is to cover them up with rectangles that are color coordinated for that name. That way it's easy to track the conversation, but with "blue" "purple" "red" instead of actual names.

    You can even use class colors!

  2. Mmmhmm...and if I could have figured out which editor did that I would have! :)

  3. I love your blogs, Lark, and reading back, I think I have to give out a few of those awards as well.

    "So very many people who hit Magmaw instead of the trash in front of him so very many times."

    Man, we've wiped at least 5 times due to this - twice in a row to the noob hunter whose pet proximity pulled Magmaw by leaping over to attack before the trash mob was pulled to a safe distance by the tank.

    “I want to live!” - Ahahaha. Our tanks holler, so we have not run into this award, but that's a good way of it too. I like this. (Reminds me of the old days where tanks would holler "Save meh, Caste, save meh!")
